About this Event
The Office of Campus Recreation and Information Technology are pleased to be sponsoring “Ithaca College’s annual Mario Kart Gaming Tournament" scheduled for Wednesday, April 17th, at 5 pm in the Emerson Suites.
Show off your Mario Kart skills and compete in the tournament to win a Nintendo Switch! While at the event plan on trying your skill at Drastic Games Rhythm-based dungeon crawler, Soundfall or immerse yourself in the wonders of virtual reality through multiple virtual reality stations, go back in time and experience several classic arcade games. Don't miss the caricature artist or the Closet Cosplay Contest!
Monster Energy will be onsite with Free Monster Energy Drinks and Monster swag! Free food along with multiple giveaways including a Chromebook will be held for individuals attending the event.
Register for the event at www.ithaca.edu/itgaming.
(Note: Only individuals wishing to participate in the Mario Kart tournament need to register - no registration is required to attend the event)