About this Event
The Ithaca Music Forum presents Prof. Doug Turnbull of the Ithaca College Computer Science Department on Friday, 12/4, at 5 pm via Zoom. Prof. Turnbull will present a talk titled "Locally-focused Music Recommendation."
There are talented musicians all around us. They play amazing live shows at small venues in every city all around the world. Yet music services like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, and Pandora do a poor job of helping listeners discover these artists for a variety of commercial and technical reasons. In this talk, Prof. Turnbull wil provide a brief introduction to music recommendation, the long-tail consumption model, and popularity bias. He will then describe recent efforts at Ithaca College to investigate fairness in music recommendation and to develop apps (e.g., Localify.org, MegsRadio.fm) that are designed to support locally-focused music discovery.
Douglas Turnbull is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Ithaca College. His research focuses on music information retrieval, computer audition, and machine learning. He is currently working on Localify.org which explores using music event recommendations and playlist generation on Spotify to support local music communities. This project is funded by the National Science Foundation and is being developed by a large team of undergraduate students at Ithaca College. More information about his research can be found at dougturnbull.org.
or email psilberman@ithaca.edu
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