Tuesday, January 24, 2017 12:10pm to 1pm
About this Event
Free EventThe collective socialization of boys and men intersects with and can have a direct correlation to violence as beliefs and behaviors are taught and reinforced throughout this life-long process (view women as objects and the property of men, gender is a binary and absolute, real men are dominating, fearless, emotionless and strong).
This workshop will attempt to introduce participants to “The Manbox” that illustrates the accepted expectations and limitations of masculinity, briefly examine hegemonic masculinity and its role as the wheel that rotates a cycle of violence, and empower willing individuals to begin to recognize, acknowledge, own, and disrupt the toxicity of manhood in order to end violence (i.e. sexual violence, domestic violence, bullying, sexism, and etc).
“Radical simply means ‘grasping things at the root.” - Angela Davis
Presenter: RahK Lash, Assistant Director for Multicultural Affairs
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