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Join us for the Spring 2024 IC Day of Service. In collaboration with the Dr. Martin Luther King JR Campus-Wide Celebration Week, we will take a trip to Ithaca ReUse Center and volunteer to support their zero-waste alternatives values by deconstruction, organizing and sorting. See their mission below. 

Transportation and Meals (Breakfast and Lunch) is provided. Be sure to fill out the registration form attached to the IC engage invite with your preferences/allergies/restrictions and RSVP by February 8th 2024. 

Attending this service event may fulfill scholarship service requirement , be sure to contact your scholarship  program Director to confirm. 



Tentative Schedule: 

Breakfast: 10am IC Square/Campus Center First floor 

Bus loads at 10:15am, leaves Campus Center: 10:20am

Reuse from 10:30-3pm ( Lunch at 1pm)

Back on campus/reflection 3:30pm 


Ithaca ReUse Center embodies the heart and soul of Finger Lakes ReUse's mission:

To create a world that's just, resilient, and free from waste, while cherishing the inherent worth of both people and resources. Located in the heart of Ithaca, our center is a bustling hub of sustainable living. Step inside, and you'll encounter a diverse collection of secondhand treasures, including sturdy furniture that breathes new life into your living spaces and building materials that spark your DIY dreams. Explore shelves filled with electronics that blend technology with eco-consciousness. From household essentials to unique finds, we invite you to join us on the path to a greener, more just world, where every purchase is a step toward change.

Pillars: Enhance Community, Economy and the Environment. 


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